in growth
Matthew 16:18 (NRSV)
And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.
In Growth
- 1891 Emmanuel Evangelical Church was organized
- 1893 Sunday jubilate - New Church Dedicated
- 1900 Church remodeled and redecorated
- 1913 Decision to build new church
- 1914
- June 28 - Corner stone laid
- October 18 - New Church dedicated
- 1927 Basement rebuilt and rededicated
- 1959 Church name changed to Emmanuel United Church of Christ
- 1961
- April 6 - Ground breaking for the new educational building and interior redecorating
- Dec 3 - Dedication
- 1996
- May 19 - Ground Breaking for new addition
- December - Dedication of new handicap assessible addition
- 2008 Labyrinth Project
- 2014 Restore Stain Glassed Windows