council who we are history in growth monthly news staff Rev. Annette K. Wolf Mary Dinkins council Acts 20:28 (NRSV) Keep watch over yourselves and over all the flock, of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God that he obtained with the blood of his own Son. Select a Profile Leanne Monroe Dan Rogers Rene Rogers Zach Wolf Craig Geiger Jim Schaick Tom Stark Noah Wilson Linda Stowe Earl Dorst Debra Kraemer Laurie Dorst Leanne Monroe President Leanne is our Council President. Dan Rogers Vice-President Dan is the Vice-President of the Church Council Rene Rogers Treasurer Rene is the Treasurer of the Church Council Zach Wolf Secretary Zach is the Secretary of the Church Council Craig Geiger Trustee Craig is a Trustee with the Church Council Jim Schaick Trustee Jim is a Trustee with the Church Council Tom Stark Trustee Tom is a Trustee on the Church Council Noah Wilson Truste Noah is a Trustee on the Council Linda Stowe Deacon Linda is a Deacon with the Church Council Earl Dorst Deacon Earl is a Deacon with the Church Council Debra Kraemer Deacon Debra is a Deacon with the Church Council Laurie Dorst Deacon Laurie is a Deacon with the Church Council Leanne Monroe President Leanne is our Council President. Dan Rogers Vice-President Dan is the Vice-President of the Church Council Rene Rogers Treasurer Rene is the Treasurer of the Church Council Zach Wolf Secretary Zach is the Secretary of the Church Council Craig Geiger Trustee Craig is a Trustee with the Church Council Jim Schaick Trustee Jim is a Trustee with the Church Council Tom Stark Trustee Tom is a Trustee on the Church Council Noah Wilson Truste Noah is a Trustee on the Council Linda Stowe Deacon Linda is a Deacon with the Church Council Earl Dorst Deacon Earl is a Deacon with the Church Council Debra Kraemer Deacon Debra is a Deacon with the Church Council Laurie Dorst Deacon Laurie is a Deacon with the Church Council No Results Back To Top